This is one of my favourite law of attraction quotes from The Secret - Thoughts become things! It’s from Mike Dooley.
As a Law of Attraction Practitioner, I teach that our thoughts create a feeling - That feeling creates a vibration that we put out into the universe and the universe responds.
But, imagine this. You get a completely random thought pop into your head - It’s unhelpful even scary. You don’t want this manifesting, do you?
I have a very active imagination and I get the most random thoughts pop into my head. Manifesting everything that showed up in my mind would NOT be good.
So, what can you do when unhelpful and unwanted thoughts pop into your head?
I’ve got some tips for you.
Be deliberate about your thoughts
This isn’t going to stop unwanted thoughts pop up but if wanted thoughts are your go-to’s your mind will naturally jump to these more often.
For example, if you just let your mind run wild and allow negativity, complaining, worry, and anger to be the normal thoughts, that’s where your mind will find it easy to go.
Instead, deliberately fill your mind with messages that support you. Affirmations are a great way to do this.
Use spot it and swap it
Whenever you SPOT an unhelpful thought, acknowledge it and swap it for a better feeling thought.
So simple but so incredibly powerful.
You don’t need to jump from something like, I hate that person to I love that person, instead, a better feeling thought might be. I’m willing to allow other people to be who they choose to be. I am focused on loving myself and being the best I can be.
I’ve written a whole blog post on aiming for better-feeling thoughts - On my Coach Wendy Blog.
Put your focus back on what you love and what you want
A good example of this is when you hear other people complaining or you see negative things on the news. Instead of getting drawn into a negative thought spiral, put your focus on…
Things you love
Anything that you’re already grateful for
Things you want to achieve/manifest in your life
Take a few minutes now to shape your thoughts
Think about and enjoy the feeling the thoughts create.
3 things/people that you love
3 things specific to today that you’re grateful for
3 things that you want to achieve/manifest - Do this from a place of knowing it’s already yours
Every day
In every way
My life
gets better and better
Finally, I want to reassure you that a few random negative thoughts won’t result in you manifesting this.
I like to imagine that the universe has a filter blocking out all random thoughts positive and negative such as…
What if the house falls down?
Ooh, I want a cow!
Instead, the Universe waits for repeated patterns and then gets to work. But, again it’s important to understand that this can be wanted or unwanted. That’s why little habits like shifting your thoughts to positive and helpful matters.
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I love hearing from you, so please share your thoughts on today’s newsletter.
I’m here for you to bring loving energy and sunshine into your life, so ask away if you have any questions
Wendy xx
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Hi Wendy, your post is wonderful and instrumental. It truly improves mindset and self-alignment when we monitor our thoughts as they come..