Why I'll Never Tell You To Get Up And Work On Your Goals At 5 AM
Unless that kind of crazy works for you then go for it!
I am so sick of hearing that successful people get up at 5 am.
You know, you’ve seen the headlines…
6 Things Successful People Do That You Don’t!
I cringe as I click to read, watch or listen.
I do so knowing that I’m going to regret it.
The second I hear something along the lines of success people get up early and get things done (meaning they get on with working on their goals or creating a supercharged mindset for success in the wee-small hours… I’m out.
Here’s why…
There is, and has never been just one way to achieve your goals.
Yes, there are obvious things that we need to do.
For example, if your goal is to lose a stone in weight. You need to pay attention to what you’re eating and would benefit from moving your body etc.
But, you don’t need to get up at 5 am to achieve it. People achieve this goal in all kinds of ways.