Reframing is one of the best mindset techniques you can use for free.
Let's have a look at how to do it to help you love your life.
If you don’t like something about yourself or your life, put a different frame around it and see it differently. Quote by Wendy Tomlinson
How to reframe
I think the best way for me to explain reframing is to share some examples.
I’ll use my virtual coaching client Joe to do this.
Joe’s, I hate my job reframe
Joe is miserable. He hates his job and each morning, his immediate thoughts and feelings go to how much he hates it.
Joe doesn’t want to get up and travel on the train for almost an hour to get to his job that he hates.
My question to Joe - How can you look at this situation without changing anything that will make this a better-feeling picture?
Let’s do the reframe. Joe can…
Focus his attention on positive affirmations when he first wakes up. Creating powerful messages that support and uplift him. Check out my MORNING AFFIRMATION IDEAS.
Work on making his morning routine enjoyable (from getting up to leaving the house for the train)
He can use his travel time to work on a side hustle - Joe likes to write, so maybe he can start a blog or write for Medium.
He can read self-improvement books and make sure he’s subscribed to this email for weekly tips
Joe does like his salary so he can focus on enjoying the financial benefits of his job
There are some parts of the job that he admits that he actually enjoys - so he can put more attention into these aspects of the job
And there are people he likes in his workplace
Joe also, knows that long-term, this is not his ideal job. So, this situation has helped him to gain clarity. He can be grateful for this clarity and use it to help him get clear about what his ideal job is and how he would feel having that job.
The key to reframing is to put your frame around the picture that you like.
More reframe examples
Oh no! Another bill to pay. REFRAME - I’m so grateful that I have the money to pay this bill and I’m thankful for the service (I have gas, electricity, water, and internet…)
Everyone leaves the house in such a mess - REFRAME - This is evidence of people I love being in my home, I’ll ask them to help keep it tidier.
You have a task that needs doing and you don’t know how to do it. Reframe - This is an opportunity to learn a new skill.
Other ways to describe reframing
Tell a better feeling story
See things in a different way
Put a positive spin on it
My question to you today
Is there something in your life that you don’t like or you’re not entirely happy with?
How can you reframe it?
Okay, that’s it from me today. Next week I’m going to talk about how visualizing can help to build a life you love.
As always, I hope you’ve found today’s newsletter super helpful. I’d love you to help others find me, please take a minute to share my newsletter and tell your friends and family why you enjoy it. Thanks.
And remember that I really do love to hear from you. Let me know your thoughts on today’s newsletter, ask questions, say Hi and tell me about your week.
Bye for now. Wishing you a wonderful week.
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